Exercises to fight Covid-19

As corona effects most on our lungs and respiratory system so making these strong can reduce chances to be effected with corona. Continuous physical activity can strengthen your body as well as your immune system


Now a days as Covid 19 or Corona pandemic effects everyone’s life throughout the world, its become most important to save our life. than question arises what we do so that we can fight with this pandemic.

Experts suggests if a person having his body strong physically and mentally can fight this corona pandemic more efficiently. here are some basic things to follow to protect your self.

  1. Wear mask, Sanitize yourself and maintain social distancing.
  2. Always think about positive things.
  3. Take healthy and nutritionist food.

Now here are tips to improve your immunity as well as your physical strength.

As corona effects most on our lungs and respiratory system so making these strong can reduce chances to be effected with corona. Continuous physical activity can strengthen your body as well as your immune system and help your body fight off various infections and viruses. Everyone should focus at least 30 minutes of physical activity for a day. This can include walking, biking, yoga, swimming, or other low impact workouts.

Basic Exercises for for Corona

During corona pandemic exercise related to lungs and chest are most important in which yoga can help more than any other exercise.

  1. Anulom Vilom Pranayama In this yoga ones should sit in straight position and take breath with one nostril and release with other after holding for some time.
Alternate nostril Breathing

2. KapalBhati Pranayama In this yoga one should inhale longer with expand your stomach and exhale in short and explosive.